H.O.T. 🔥 Flashes N Smashers (Radio Presenters, DJs, Radio Shows)


SKU: HotFlashesNSmashers Categories: , , , Tags: , , , , ,


6 male and female spoken radio ID jingles for radio presenters, DJs, radio shows, Top 40 or Dance radio stations.

Uses in house voice talents male and female. We may modify, adjust the script for creative and production purposes. Production elements are as is and cannot be modified. Song clips are for music playout demonstration only.

Sample Script:

Double down on your sunscreen, the hits are getting HOTTER, ____
Music so hot, you will wet yourself, sorry I mean, sweat ____
Be it at the pool, beach or traffic, we got you covered, ____
Beating down hot flashes with hot smashers ____
Mercury rising, UV busting, changing the global climate of radio 1 hit at a time ____
We got the license to chill and the authority to thrill, Hot Hits Now ____

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