Turn On Music Fun 6 + 6 Radio IDs MMFF (CHR, Hot AC, Dance, Pop)


Demo 1

Demo 2 Playout Simulation

*Song clips not included.

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Script or copy example – “Todays Hit Music Kiss FM” or “Youre listening to Radio Max FM The Best Station”

SKU: MK_20190416-TurnOnMusicFun6Plus6RadioIDsMMFFGo2Play Category: Tags: , , , , , , , , ,


6 male and female spoken radio ID jingles.

Send us your script of 6, each line has 2 versions so you get a total of 12 DJ IDs.

Uses in house voice talents male and female. We reserve the right to modify, adjust the script for creative and production purposes. Elements to be used are same as in demo, song clips not included.

Script No. 1 (Turn On The Radio) ________________________________
Script No. 2 (Standby Be Right There) ________________________________
Script No. 3 (Feel The Beat) ________________________________
Script No. 4 (Bring The Action) ________________________________
Script No. 5 (Welcome to my Radio) ________________________________
Script No. 6 (Awesome Totally Your Station Rocks) ________________________________

Sample script used in this demo

Turn On The Music, Turn On The Fun All Day Everyday on your station

Dont change the station we got more music than Taylor Swift has ex boyfriends

Feel the music feel the beat feel the station

We bring the fun the music but without the drama just pure music

Radio stations should be fun and thats why were here music and fun right now

The artists you follow and the music you enjoy in one complete radio package

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