6 male and female spoken DJ jingles for DJs or Dance Radio Stations.
Send us your script of 6, each line has 2 versions so you get a total of 12 DJ IDs.
Uses in house voice talents male and female. We reserve the right to modify, adjust the script for creative and production purposes. Elements to be used are on us, song clips not included.
Copy (your DJ name or station details will be added, the script below is as is and cannot be modified.)
1 – From the dance music universe dancefloor will never be the same ladies and gents this is ________
2 – Dropping the beats from now until you drop, Live in the mix ________
3 – Were bringing the beats to your body ________
4 – Uploading to digital dance domain, connecting profile in 3 2 1 ___________
5 – System activated, integrating dance DNA dance live in the mix _____________
6 – Ladies and gentlemen the floor is on fire on board and in the mix _____________